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Προβολή Ανακοίνωσης για Μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές



CALL FOR PAPERS: ‘Pastness/Belatedness in the Theory and Practice of Greek and Roman Drama’

We are delighted to announce the Annual Joint Postgraduate Symposium on the Performance of Greek and Roman Drama, organised by the APGRD, University of Oxford, and the University of London. This two-day event will take place on Tuesday 18th June at the Royal Central School of Speech & Drama (University of London) and Wednesday 19th June at the Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies (Oxford University).


This annual Symposium focuses on the reception of Greek and Roman tragedy and comedy, exploring the afterlife of these ancient dramatic texts through re-workings by both writers and practitioners across all genres and periods. Speakers from a number of countries will give papers on the reception of Greek and Roman drama. This year’s guest respondent is Professor C.W. Marshall (University of British Columbia). After the second day of the symposium in Oxford, there will be a dinner and a launch celebration for two new books, Edith Hall’s Adventures with Iphigenia in Tauris and Justine McConnell’s Black Odysseys.


Postgraduates from around the world working on the reception of Greek and Roman drama are welcome to participate, as are those who have completed a doctorate but not yet taken up a post. The symposium is open to speakers from different disciplines, including researchers in the fields of Classics, modern languages and literature, and theatre and performance studies. This year’s theme, ‘belatedness’ is an open-ended prompt to consider ideas about our relationship to ancient works given the abyss of time separating us from their past world (for example, different ways that the "old" is constructed - primitive, mysterious, ritualistic and yet modern etc.).

Practitioners are welcome to contribute their personal experience of working on ancient drama. Papers may also include demonstrations. Undergraduates are very welcome to attend.

Those who wish to offer a short paper (20 mins) or performative presentation on ‘Pastness/Belatedness in the Theory and Practice of Greek and Roman Drama’ are invited to send an abstract of up to 200 words outlining the proposed subject of their discussion to postgradsymp[at]classics.ox.ac[dot]uk by Thursday 28th MARCH 2012 AT THE LATEST (please include details of your current course of study, supervisor and academic institution).

There will be no registration fee. It is hoped that a limited number of bursaries will be available. Please indicate if you would like to be considered for one of these. Help with accommodation in a London University Hall of Residence is also available this year.

Messages to the list are archived at http://listserv.liv.ac.uk/archives/classicists.html